Tuesday, September 26, 2023

For Monday

Tuesday audio. Make-up session 12:30-1:45 Monday in RD 2006.

Prep the remaining sections of Impeachment: Character, PIS, and Review. If we do not get through this on Monday, we will on Tuesday.

We will begin with the last step in the 608 process involving Tom, Ira, and Andrew. Spend some time on the structure of the pieces of FRE 608 and how this impeachment operates. Consider ## 75, 76, 78, and 79 together as different paths on the same issue; we will go through it in a slightly different order. Consider who each witness in the problems corresponds to. What must the proponent show to admit a specific instance of conduct under 608(b) and which rule (104(a) or (b)) guides that? What is the inference at work in FRE 609? What is the order for analyzing FRE 609(a), in terms of the elements to consider and when?

If we finish Impeachment on Tuesday as I expect, the preliminary exam will post at noon Tuesday and due in class on Tuesday, October 10. More details forthcoming, but the exam will consist of seven short essay questions.