Monday, October 2, 2023

Preliminary Exam Information


Preliminary Examination

Professor Howard Wasserman

FIU College of Law

Fall 2023


This Preliminary Examination will be administered over one week. It will be available beginning at noon on Tuesday, October 3 and due in hard copy at the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 10. You can download the exam from the blog (; you will return it in class.

The exam consists of seven (7) Short-Answer Questions, worth ten (10) points each. The exam will be worth 70 points towards your final grade.

You may write up to 300 words on each question unless a question indicates otherwise.

The first page of your exam answer must be a cover page containing your Blind ID #; begin your answers on the second page. Please staple the pages (no paper clips or binder clips).

Each answer must include the word count for that answer, as described below. Two (2) points will be deducted from any answer not followed by a word count.


Please begin each answer on a new page.


Once the exam becomes available, you may not discuss it, the questions, the answers, or anything about it—in any oral, written, or other form—with your classmates, me, any faculty member, your friends, your family, strangers, pets, extra-terrestrials, inanimate objects, or anyone in the known universe. Please respect your classmates, yourself, me, and the legal profession by adhering to this rule.